
How to enroll ?

Dear parents,

Before beginning an admissions process, we encourage you to learn as much as possible about our philosophy and model.

We regularly organize open days to introduce you to our school and answer your questions.

We will get back to you in 48 hours

We will review your application

Validation of your application (or waiting list)


  • The registration form is completed online for ease of management.
  • You will not be charged any fees until a place is offered to you and you have accepted it.
  • On request, a visit to the school and an individual meeting can be organised.
  • After confirmation of registration by the Management, Ecole Harmonie will no longer reimburse admission fees, even in the event of subsequent cancellation.
  • Once the file has been confirmed, we will send you a school certificate in the name of your child.

School Fees

3yo to 2P

CHF 15'760 /payable over 10 Months

3P to 8P

CHF 16'760 /payable over 10 Months

Additional fees

  • Registration fee: CHF 600.-/one-time
  • Class outing: CHF 600.-/year
  • Meals: from CHF 665.- to 3'325.-/year

Do you have some questions ?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Our program is based on the expectations of the Swiss program (the Plan d’Etude Romand), with objectives to be achieved for each learning cycle.

Our students practice French for the most part and English one morning a week every day from 3P. From 5P, German is also taught.

At Ecole Harmonie, we believe that each student is unique and can become brilliant.

We develop this potential through:

  • Methods based on research in neuroscience (cognitive education, metacognition, neuro pedagogy) with a cognition workshop, once a week, individually or in small groups, for all the students of the school.
  • A hybridization of pedagogies (project pedagogy, active pedagogy, design thinking, forest school) to develop students’ learning strategies.
  • Small and inclusive classes, taking into account the particularities and needs of each student.
  • A thorough knowledge of learning difficulties such as dys, ADHD, autism, etc. thanks to our educational psychologist and his network of therapists.
  • A positive and benevolent discipline.
    The practice of philosophy, coding to develop the structuring of thought, the management of emotions.
  • Active engagement of both students and teachers.
  • The intervention of specialists in various branches related to class projects.
  • Class camps in total immersion in nature within a unique 42-hectare estate.

Metacognition plays a central role in learning and academic performance.

It helps students learn efficiently: before starting a task, they will set learning goals, anticipate possible obstacles and define problem-solving steps.

Knowing the characteristics of the tasks, as well as their own strengths and difficulties in particular areas, will guide students through this process.

Strategies may be employed to deal with anticipated difficulties, to help understand the demands of the task, and to gather and organize relevant information.

Knowing when a specific strategy is useful allows students to choose the appropriate one at the right time and adapt it if necessary.

Once the task has been completed, the evaluation process will allow students to compare the results with the task requirements and to reflect on how it was handled and the effectiveness of the strategies used.

This approach will reinforce metacognitive knowledge about oneself, the task and the strategies.

At the end of 8P, our students will take the common DIP exams. For English, Cambridge exams will be prepared (KET or PET depending on their language level).

During their schooling, we will not give grades to our students. However, the evaluation will be essential for the child to progress. It will provide a point of reference for everyone: children, teachers, parents. Students will have formative assessments. Instead of notes, constructive comments, a precise evaluation grid will make it possible to target the objectives and to situate oneself. They will self-assess their work to identify their strengths and weaknesses and choose their investments accordingly.

The evaluation will take into account the individual progress of each student and will make it possible to constantly adjust the educational actions to meet the needs.

Homework at Harmony School starts in 3P. They will be spread over the week.

From 3P to 5P: 45 minutes per week

From 6P to 7P: 1 hour per week

In 8P: 1h30 per week.

At Harmony School, we offer “useful” homework. By useful, we mean that homework should encourage student autonomy. It is an important learning that he must prepare and acquire as his schooling progresses.

Homework time will be an opportunity to put into practice all the learning strategies learned during the cognition workshop.

This homework will be spread over the week and will not take more than an hour.

The objective is to consolidate learning and it will also be a very good way for both the teacher and the student to see what needs to be reworked.

A so-called “useful” assignment is a short reading with a few comprehension questions, but still a reading in which you have to find 10 verbs conjugated in the present, a riddle, a little research.

However, there will never be any homework to finish if the work is not completed in class.

Homework should remain a pleasure for the student and the main thing is to understand the usefulness in their learning.

The school offers supervised homework, under the supervision of a teacher if the parents deem it necessary. It is also possible to have private lessons with our educational psychologists to work more specifically on the difficulties encountered by a student.

Ecole Harmonie is an inclusive school. We cannot commit to meeting all needs, but in all degrees, Ecole Harmonie can meet moderate needs. If the pupil requires individualised follow-up in class, an additional fee will be added to the school fees. Needs are assessed by the teaching team and the management in order to ensure quality in the follow-up of the student.

Inclusion differs from integration in that it enrolls all children, regardless of their diagnosis, in an ordinary school environment by providing them with the help they need in situ. The vast majority of students today join the school benches, most often in integration. They thus divide their time between the institution and the school. They are not 100% in the ordinary device.

For the students we welcome in our school, we will implement all the necessary resources to offer real inclusion.

We know the benefits of inclusion for children with special educational needs, both socially and in terms of learning.

To avoid any form of violence, the entire team is regularly trained to detect any sign of harassment. Over the years, Ecole Harmonie has worked with its students on tolerance, respect for others, acceptance of difference, spirit of solidarity and cooperation. This work is done around advisory meetings, assemblies, philosophical workshops so that children can express themselves in case of problems and be aware of the world around them.

In the event of proven harassment, the management intervenes with other professionals in order to put an end to it and continue to maintain the quality of the school climate.

Ecole Harmonie welcomes children from 3 years old. The training provided promotes the motor, cognitive and social development as well as the awakening of the personality of the children. Students learn to live together and become socially responsible. Indeed, work is done on respect for others, class and school rules and social relations. The educational mission of preschool is to prepare children for fundamental learning. We promote the development of autonomy with simple gestures such as tying your shoes, learning to dress, gathering the materials necessary for your work.

We attach importance to developing the desire and the pleasure of learning in order to start school with a solid foundation.

For private or professional reasons, it may be necessary for you to have a longer availability of time than that of the school timetables. This is why Ecole Harmonie has opened a daycare center in the morning with the possibility of a reception from 7:30 am. In the evening, students can stay at the daycare, or in extracurricular activities until 6 p.m. We also offer a daycare service on Wednesdays all day.

At Ecole Harmonie, children acquire self-confidence, autonomy, adaptability and the pleasure of learning. When a child wishes or needs to return to the ordinary system, he reintegrates it without any problem. He will have acquired all the necessary skills of the Romand Study Plan.

After Ecole Harmonie, students will join a public or private secondary school. We encourage parents to keep us informed of their choice(s) from 7P so that we can prepare a smooth transition to the new system together. Our students have followed the Romand Study Plan of the DIP and will leave the Harmonie school with all the skills necessary to pass the orientation cycle.

Collaboration with parents is greatly appreciated. We regularly organize presentations at school, exhibitions where parents and families are invited. Parents can also get involved in school life (sports day, climbing race, school outings).

In addition, we believe that the link between the family and the school is fundamental from an educational point of view. Parents will be informed of the academic and social development of their child during two annual  interviews (teacher-parent-child) where the work of the students will be presented, commented on and their skills analyzed, in relation to the objectives to be achieved.

mission ecole harmonie